Sunday, November 05, 2006


By Stockton

It was a rocky year for baseball superstar Alex Rodriquez. The Yankee third baseman put up big numbers but came under fire for underproducing in big game situations. Both fans and teammates lost patience with the future Hall of Famer and his troubles continued through a lack-luster 1-for-14 performance in the post season.

The third baseman's fielding (he won numerous Gold Gloves at shortstop) even suffered and many concluded he had a mental rather than physical problem. Rodriquez would not be the first superstar to choke while playing in the Big Apple.

However, Smorgasblog may have discovered the cause of Rodriquez' problems on the field.

According to well placed sources, Rodriquez' difficulties stem from campaign fatigue. Few people have the physical stamina to play everyday for a World Series contender and run for Senate from Tennessee. Yes, Harold Ford Jr. is the Yankees third baseman.

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Alex...looking for a second job?

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