Tuesday, August 22, 2006


By Stockton

Once again, during troubled times, the Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, has made an appearance. This time, the Blessed Virgin has returned as....chocolate.

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Angiano comparing the only known photograph
of Mary with Chocolate Mary

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. - As a chocolatier to the rich and famous, Martucci Angiano has posed with many celebrities.

But on Thursday she held in her hand a figure that dazzles her more than any Hollywood star: a 2-inch-tall column of chocolate drippings that workers at her gourmet chocolate company believe bears a striking resemblance to the Virgin Mary.

Since the discovery at Bodega Chocolates, Angiano's employees have spent much of their time hovering over the tiny figure, praying and placing rose petals and candles around it.

Dr. Ken Hollington, a professor of Divinity at Liberty University and an expert on divine visitations, was cautiously optimistic. "This has all the hallmarks of a significant event," said Dr. Hollington. "It may be the most significant 'visitation' since the 1983 Drake's Cakes appearance in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It certainly rivals the 1971 'visitation," said Hollington, referring to an episode when Mary appeared in a plate of mashed potatoes, ordered by Buddy Ryan in a Waco, Texas Denny's.

This is not the first time that a divine figure has chosen to appear in the guise of chocolaty goodness. In 1946, the participants of the Last Supper appeared in a Paris Chocolatier's Boutique, retailing for $29.99:

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Reactions from the pulpit have been mixed. Reverend Jake Colson, of the First Church of Christ the Avenger in Parma, Alabama, considers it blasphemous. "The Mother of Christ, Mary, a virgin, would never choose to appear in California!"

Willie Brown, Minister of The Last Baptist Church You'll Ever Need, in Troy, Georgia, believes that the appearance is definitive proof that the Holy Family were people of color.

The American Diabetes Foundation has called for an investigation.

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