Saturday, August 12, 2006


If you're like Stockton & Tweed, you may have gone through life for years without noticing the cruel state of affairs for today's super-rich youth. You've watched them on television, read about them in the tabloids - but you've ignored their suffering.

Isn't it time for a change?

Thanks to Stockton & Tweed, and other concerned and caring citizens like them, the suffering doesn't need to continue. Won't you join us to help these, the most privileged of our society?

For most of us, the suffering of these youths is nearly unimaginable - but imagine:

* the number of lawyers and accountants that have to be paid for and talked to for the management of trust funds;

* the extreme struggle of finding and attending probate court hearings just to acquire the hundreds of millions left to you;

* trying to explain to the legions of hangers-on that they'll have to delay the rave because of some court procedure that will delay you for hours - and remember, most courts don't allow instant messaging during proceedings; and finally,

* imagine that after all is said and done, having worked through the government red-tape known in this uncaring country as "probate" with the assistance of lawyers and accountants, these poor children have to pay taxes on the transfer of the millions that is theirs!

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Trust Fund children try to access portfolio accounts
on outdated computers-just one of the many obstacles
they'll face

Well, Stockton & Tweed couldn't stand it any longer, and with the wonderful assistance of Grover Norquist and other caring individuals, they have started an organization to help these forgotten wonders; and we hope you'll join us too:

Give generously, and support: The Donald's Kids

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At The Donald's Kids, we help the youth of today's super-rich plan for tomorrow to avoid the pain and heartache. For as little as $70 a day, you'll help us:

* provide strategies for these poor . . . eh . . . uncared for children to convince their parents to engage in high-end generation-skipping wealth transfer strategies to avoid the awesome burden of multi-generational estate tax;

* provide form "just-in-case" pre-nuptial agreements for those trips to Mexico;

* offer "english-to-instant messanging" classes to help these kids to communicate with their lawyers, accountants and chaufers.

Havn't you waited long enough?

Isn't $70 a day worth the possibility of a Paris Hilton hot dog commercial?

Please, email Stockton & Tweed and help support The Donald's Kids.

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