Tuesday, August 01, 2006


By Stockton

Support for making English the official language of the United States is growing. Approximately 80% of the nation believes English should be given some type of recognition as the 'official' language of the nation.

Nowhere is support for such a proposition as strong as it is among white, southern Republicans. Luckily, we were able to interview some fine GOP folks down south about this all-important issue.

Cletus Featherstone, a locust breeder from Arkansas, has this to say:

"Ifum gummit do jus one thang, itum sha be makin 'Merican dis lagish."

Hobe Ferris, a soil importer from Eastern Tennessee, said this:

"Gots nuffin' ginst no furners but done wan none comin' here talkin 'Nadian or Mexican talk."

Finally, Jaspar Hollins, crucifix salesman:

"Who ya all callin' a yokel?"

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